[NSRCA-discussion] Pletty CC HV 85 issue

Dave DaveL322 at comcast.net
Sat Oct 2 17:27:05 AKDT 2010

21x14 on the Evo with good batteries is in the range where the full power
screech might occur (on older software).


With the 2.16 or 2.18 software, you were probably on the edge of a screech,
but that version of the software did nothing to specifically anticipate or
stave off the screech.


With the 3.2 and higher software, it anticipates the screech, and adjusts
timing and reduces power to the motor to ensure that the screech does not
happen.  If you are very close to full throttle on the ground before surging
happens (and light comes on and off), I seriously doubt the surging will
happen in the air, as the amps will drop considerably in the air as the prop


66% ATV on high throttle sounds about right for Futaba.




Dave Lockhart

Team Castle Creations





From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Stuart Chale
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 5:57 PM
To: General pattern discussion
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Pletty CC HV 85 issue


I checked with Dave on my settings and there was nothing unusual.  I was on
a much older firmware 2.16 I think and updated it to 3.2  I am more
interested in having trouble free flying this weekend rather than knowing
for sure if it is the ESC/connectors or what.  (I'll work on that later)
There was some pitting on the tips of the dean connector, but I doubt that
it was the issue.   So I updated the programming on my back up ESC and
installed that one instead.  
When testing it I noticed something else that I do not know if it is normal
or not.  I use fixed endpoints on the throttle.  With the prop off, at full
throttle the red light comes on steady at around 66% ATV (Futaba) indicating
full throttle on the ESC.  I put the prop back on and watched the ESC (never
did that before so I do not know if the behavior is the same or different.)
The red light comes on for a second as the throttle nears full and then goes
out.  It seems to want to get to full but can't due to the prop load.  I can
hear a slight bit of surging as the light comes on and off at times at full
throttle.  Varying the ATV doesn't help.  Prop is PT models 21 x 14.  Is
this normal?  Should I just leave the setting as it was with the prop off?
Should I put back the other ESC :)


On 10/1/2010 4:52 PM, Atwood, Mark wrote: 

I really think you may have a simple setup timing issue.  I'm curious as
Dave L suggested if you had some different throttle "habits" that changed
when you were recently flying (such as a new pattern as Dave suggested).
It sounds like the sound that happens when a rapid increase in throttle gets
the controller ahead of the motor and you get that electronic backfire
squeal.    And again, this may only happen with your best battery packs.   


The Axi motors used to do this a lot.  


Mark Atwood

Paragon Consulting, Inc.  |  President

5885 Landerbrook Drive Suite 130, Cleveland Ohio, 44124 

Phone: 440.684.3101 x102  |  Fax: 440.684.3102

mark.atwood at paragon-inc.com  |  www.paragon-inc.com


From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Bob Richards
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 4:42 PM
To: General pattern discussion
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Pletty CC HV 85 issue


Yeah, I was wondering if it might be a mechanical issue, too. I had a foamy
once that had similar behaviour, (down on power, strange squeal) and it
ended up the prop shaft was slipping. BUT, it did it every time, not just


Bob R.

--- On Fri, 10/1/10, Stuart Chale  <mailto:schale at optonline.net>
<schale at optonline.net> wrote:

From: Stuart Chale  <mailto:schale at optonline.net> <schale at optonline.net>
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Pletty CC HV 85 issue
To: "General pattern discussion"  <mailto:nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
<nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Date: Friday, October 1, 2010, 9:03 AM

Just one season flying mostly once a week , so under 100 or so.

On 10/1/2010 8:23 AM, Vicente "Vince" Bortone wrote: 

How many flights on the motor?  I wonder if could be bearings?

Vicente "Vince" Bortone


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