[NSRCA-discussion] Anyone know a D. Palumbo and his plane, the Fakeout?

Michael Cohen precisionaero at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 31 07:44:43 AKST 2010

A long time ago, someone who was not Mr. Palumbo gave me a pattern-like 40 sized airplane back when I was the only person under 30 in my Long Island R/C club (Whitman Flyers).  I flew it for a number of years and it has since been sitting around gathering dust.  I was looking thru an old Flying Models magazine the other day and found an advertisement for the plane in the plans section.  Turns out I was given a Fakeout.  Anyhow, I plan on fixing up this old plane and updating it to electric.  I am curious to find Mr. Palumbo since it appears that the plane I have is his.  The AMA number on the tail in the advertisement is the same as what is left of the number on the plane I have.  If anyone knows Mr. Palumbo, please let me know.
Mike Cohen
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