[NSRCA-discussion] nsrca.us server hacked

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at canisius.edu
Thu Dec 2 20:24:49 AKST 2010

Something seems to have gotten ahold of the linux server on
which nsrca.us is hosted.

If you try to browse to any page at all on http://nsrca.us
(whether as part of Joomla or not), you will get redirected
to a malicious website.

Derek and I have called NXS and gotten a support ticket filed,
but the "web guy" doesn't seem to be there now and may not
turn up until tomorrow morning.

As far as I can tell, this is not due to our setup nor is it
something that we have privileges to fix.  It is a job for
a root administrator.

We'll just have to wait until Jason can repair the damage.

Unless someone has a better idea ...


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