[NSRCA-discussion] Reconciling the old database (Access on nsrca.org) with the new (MySQL on nsrca.us)

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at canisius.edu
Tue Aug 31 17:14:17 AKDT 2010

We have begun the process of combining the old and new

Some time tomorrow, I hope to take the nsrca.us website
offline while I back up the MySQL database, then insert
the new records needed from the Access database.

The purpose of shutting down the site is so that if
something goes awry with the insertion script, we will
have a restore point to which we can return.

I will of course try to minimize the time that the
site is unavailable and I hope you will bear with
the interruption of service patiently.  When the
reconciliation of the two databases is done, we will
have taken a huge step forward toward getting rid of
the "two sites, two logins" anomaly.


In due course, all updates of your address for the
K-Factor and information for the NSRCA will be
done through the "Edit User Profile" link.
If you're logged into the nsrca.us site with the
credentials for that site, you should see that link
under the User Menu.

The last piece of the puzzle after the data reconciliation
is to set up a system to provide the K-Factor downloads
for paid members on nsrca.us.  Derek has been configuring
DocMan for that purpose.

I'll be busy with classes until tomorrow afternoon and
then will almost certainly nap for a little while before
dinner.  The likely time for the service outage is in
the evening (7:00 PM EDT or thereabouts).


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