[NSRCA-discussion] Larks Annual Gulf Coast Pattern Championship

glmiller3 at suddenlink.net glmiller3 at suddenlink.net
Sat Sep 5 07:44:52 AKDT 2009

Hello all!

I want to remind everyone that LARKS RC will again host the Gulf Coast Pattern Championship the weekend of October 3-4.   The field will be open all week before the contest if you want to come early and practice.  Our facility features a wide and long paved North South runway with no obstruction to either approach. We have an air conditioned club house with indoor plumbing and we have large covered areas north and south of the clubhouse with enough 4X8 tables for everyone to use a couple.  Each table has a pair of overhead electrical outlets.

We'll be flying all classes, Sportsman through FAI.  We will plan to fly the P11 schedule for FAI both days (at the request of the FAI guys represented by Earl Haury).

Please direct any questions my way.....email  glmiller3 at suddenlink.net 
                                                         phone    337 540-0375



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