[NSRCA-discussion] Proposed rule change

ronlock at comcast.net ronlock at comcast.net
Sat Oct 10 12:40:40 AKDT 2009

Let me confirm, the intention is to apply the "...establish a wind corrected attitude..." in the up and down lines of a stall turn, BOTH in pitch and yaw. Assuming yes: 

The pilot will establish both pitch and yaw attitude correction s s uitable for the wind. 
Assuming the correction attitudes are maintained per new rule, the pilot is accepting the resulting 
amount of drift as the model slows for the stall. With strong wind, and Stall turn as a turnaround maneuver, 
drift out the box, or too far into the box for desired positioning becomes another pilot planning concern. 
Stall turns in Fig M, would have same issues with maintaining center. 

I suspect one result will be pilots making further wind corrections as model slows (risking downgrade cause that is contrary to new rule ) to maintain position. Seems like it's an added semi-subjective burden that makes judging more difficult. (Will have to judge wind corrected track, as effected by reduced speed drift, in two axis.) 

While I like the goal of this proposed change, I don't think I see this as an overall improvement for stall turn judging. 

Ron Lockhart 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Atwood" <atwoodm at paragon-inc.com> 
To: "nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:13:17 PM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected 
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Proposed rule change 

Hey Don, 

I'm not sure I agree. To properly wind correct Up AND down, in a strong headwind, the model has to transition through vertical in the stall. I.e. It only makes sense to BE vertical at the point of stall. 

Use a stick model and you'll see what I mean. If your leaning 15 deg into the wind at the point of stall, and then yaw 180deg, you'll be canted 15 deg DOWN WIND immediatly following the stall. This would require a serious push or pull to get the model properly wind corrected for the downline. That transition has to occur somewhere. Seems only appropriate that it be the center of the stall. This presents the best, and therefore scores the best. 

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org <nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org> 
To: 'General pattern discussion' <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> 
Sent: Sat Oct 10 12:17:25 2009 
Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Proposed rule change 

What do you guys think of this rule change for stall turns? 

In the Judge’s Guide Page RCA 20 of Regulations under “Stall Turns”: 

Change 1.. Lines must have exactly vertical and horizontal flight paths. To 

1. Horizontal lines must be wings level and parallel to the flight line. On entry vertical lines must be wind corrected to establish a vertical track. The wind corrected attitude of the model must not be changed as the stall is approached and any wind drift is not cause for downgrade unless the model drifts out of the maneuvering area. 

In the maneuver descriptions under “Figure M with or without Rolls” 

Change downgrade 1 from “Model not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turns” to 

1. Horizontal and vertical lines must be flown as described under “Stall Turns” in the Judge’s Guide above. 

In the maneuver descriptions under “Stall Turns with or without Rolls” 

Change downgrade 3 from “Model track not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turn” to 

3. Horizontal and vertical lines must be flown as described under “Stall Turns” in the Judge’s Guide above. 

Here’s the logic behind the change: 

Once a crosswind becomes stronger than the speed of the model the model can no longer maintain a vertical track even if turned 90 degrees into that wind. Stall turns flown as described in the changes always score better with the majority of judges. This change brings the stall turn in line with the spin in allowing some wind drift of the model as it slows and provides a much more consistent judging standard. 


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