[NSRCA-discussion] Rule Interpretation

Archie Stafford astafford at swtexas.net
Sun May 31 18:08:57 AKDT 2009

Yes. Or it was a couple of years ago. A friend of mine did just that.  
He fibished next to last but had a great time.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 31, 2009, at 8:04 PM, Ron Van Putte <vanputte at cox.net> wrote:

> What if a pilot now flying in the Sportsman class goes to the Nats  
> and wants to compete.  The Nats doesn't have a Sportsman class.  At  
> most contests, a pilot may fly in another class, if his isn't  
> offered at that contest and resume flying in his class afterward.   
> Is that true of the Nats?
> Ron Van Putte
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