[NSRCA-discussion] This email list is flawed in my opinion.

CHV69 at aol.com CHV69 at aol.com
Sun Dec 13 05:09:37 AKST 2009

The Cost for the ZDZ was more than the OS 1.60 by more then twice as much.  
In a message dated 12/13/2009 8:49:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
vicenterc at comcast.net writes:

It will  be very interesting to see your results.  I had the chance to 
build and  fly the Abbra with ZDZ 40.  I was able to comparare the same plane 
with  OS160 back-to-back.  Clearly the ZDZ 40 was behind in power (or  
power-to-weight ratio) when compared with the OS 160 when doing the  Master 
schedule of that time.  I am sure that less fuel consumption  with less BTU content 
means less power.  The Abbra with the ZDZ 40  was ~3-4 oz over 11 lbs.  The 
OS 160 Abbra was 9.8 lbs.  I am  not sure now what the new gasoline engines 
manufactures are doing to increase  the power.  I believe that an 
improvement in the design of gas engines is  required to make it usable for  pattern. 

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