[NSRCA-discussion] This email list is flawed in my opinion.

mike mueller mups1953 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 12 06:13:39 AKST 2009

I have a hard time with a lot of the feedback that circulates on this email list. It's too limited by the amount of people who respond and the ones who do are usually the same guys. 
 I find some of the ones that respond a lot to be closed minded and are never swayed by a good argument.
 I would warn people that asking for an opinion here may have a very different response than say RCU where you get a broader audience to sample from. 
 I wish there was a way to get more people to respond with opinions. I fear many have been drivin away.
 I also wish we would all not be so quick to shoot down these opinions as it results in less people asking for one and sharing any thoughts with us.
 I enjoy an open discusssion with a lot of people chiming in.
 I respect the opinions of everyone and do what I can to listen to the points of both sides to form an opinion. 
 Often the responses kill the debate.
 Listening is a skill.
 There are times when some of you could be wrong.
 Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.
 Mike Mueller


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