[NSRCA-discussion] NMP Header Frustration

Keith Hoard khoard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 09:27:57 AKDT 2008

Engine Problems?  Why - Yes!!!

OK, I'm running a YS 1.40L, Hyde Mount, NMP header, short Hatori pipe . . .
and the NMP header keeps loosening itself after every 10-20 flights.  I am
using the header strap, and have installed all of the copper washers and
even a couple extras (per Troy Newman).  The frustrating part is that when I
try to remove the little aluminum button to re-install the header, it strips
out because it is made from some very soft aluminum.  Right now, the button
is almost completely stripped out and I'm getting ready to ship the whole
mess back to Central.

Any good ideas out there, or should I just order the Hatori header?


Keith Hoard
Collierville, TN
khoard at gmail.com
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