[NSRCA-discussion] reminder - District 1 Spring Warmup contest Saturday May 17

Rick Wallace rickwallace45 at hotmail.com
Thu May 15 04:11:19 AKDT 2008

Just a reminder - 
This Saturday, May 17 will be the District 1 contest season kickoff, with the Spring Warmup. 
Come out and knock the rust off the skills and break in that new Pattern bird! 
One day contest hosted by the Ocean County Modelers of NJ. 
AMA class 401-406 JSO.
*Sportsman pilots may fly any AMA legal plane. 
Wiskow Field, Jackson NJ (north of Lakehurst Naval Air Station.) Directions at http://ocmrc.us/ -- look for the link to Flying Site/Directions. 
Registration starts at Saturday at 8:15 AM.
Pilot's Meeting and competition flying will start as soon after 9:00 as the sun permits 
Lunch available at the field.
Field will be open for practice Friday afternoon til dusk.
Questions? Contact :
Rick Wallace 
rickwallace45 at hotmail.com
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