[NSRCA-discussion] 2.4Ghz

glmiller3 at suddenlink.net glmiller3 at suddenlink.net
Wed Jun 25 07:27:24 AKDT 2008


I've been flying DSS since the first DX6 came out, and I've only had one "low voltage reset".  I've flown the DX6, DX7 and now the 9303 over the last 3.5 years and I have complete confidence in the system.  I've flown large and small helis, nitro and electric, large and small planes, nitro, gas and electric-  no issues.

---- John Konneker <jlkonn at hotmail.com> wrote: 


I am curious what other folk's experience has been with JR/Spektrum 2.4Ghz.
I have experienced a frame loss when one satelite Rx showed -0- fades.  It's my understanding 
this shouldn't happen.  I have another 9ch Rx from the "Great Receiver Giveaway" I'm going to 
try but was wondering what others are finding is average for fades and frame losses per flight?

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