[NSRCA-discussion] electric ProLine for sale

chris moon cjm767driver at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 11 16:09:14 AKDT 2008

I hate to do this but I am going to sell my new electric ProLine by 
Xtreme Composite.  Too much uncertainty at work and I need to turn some 
of my fleet into cash.  This plane is brand new with 20 flights and 
flies very well.  It is probably the only electric ProLine in the US.  
The plane is setup for the Plettenberg 30-10 Evo motor (not included) 
and dual elevator servos in the stab halves.  All up honest weight with 
TP Prolite 5300's is 10lbs 13oz.  The plane has Bolly electric gear that 
is painted to match the stock gear and probably $100 worth of MK bb 
clevises and horns and titanium turnbuckles. The only blemish is the 
bottom was cut open in a small area at the back to re-glue the stab 
mechanism.  BVM is out of stock on this plane until Aug at the earliest 
and is selling it for $2000 plus it was $145 for shipping to me.  I will 
take $1750 for the airframe only plus actual shipping if necessary.  I 
prefer not to ship but have the original box and I'm sure it will be 
well over $100 to ship-remember this is a 1 piece wing and a BIG box.  I 
can deliver to Lake City, SC contest in 2 weeks or the NATS next month.

You can see the details in the mini-build thread I did on the NSRCA web 


Email me off list if interested.


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