[NSRCA-discussion] Heat Sinks

Earl Haury ejhaury at comcast.net
Thu Jul 31 17:51:08 AKDT 2008

We all tend to mount E batteries on some sort of wooden / carbon / nomex shelf and tie them down with Velcro or a clamp plate - none of which are very good at transferring heat. Possibly we could improve heat transfer from the batts to the cooling air by using aluminum, or better yet - finned aluminum heatsink material for the shelf / clamp. 

I've spent a fair bit of time trying for find appropriate heatsink material online - something 4" long x 3" wide with a high count of thin,  maybe 1/4 high, fins might work. Unfortunately, there's tons of heatsink material available from Newark, Mauser, etc. but it's difficult to find the right stuff - especially material light enough for our use. The closest I've come is Thermaflo # E1243, but I'm lacking a small quantity source. 

Anybody work with this stuff & have recommendations or sources?

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