[NSRCA-discussion] YS 160/170 procedures

Chris Hammond nitroracer at shaw.ca
Tue Jan 29 13:27:24 AKST 2008

Hi folks,

I am new to YS engines and I am wondering if there is a good
article/definitive source for the best way to plumb and start a YS 170 (very
similar to 160 I am guessing.)
I have seen various threads on the internet forums but nothing that is
"all-in-one" how to set up, plumb, start and care and feed for your YS...

I have an RCATS (with delay) and a heavy duty starter... I do know how to
plumb it and have seen few different ideas on how to be sure it doesn't
flood/backfire etc.
Just looking for a tried-and-true set of procedures.

Chris Hammond
MAAC: 74885

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