[NSRCA-discussion] Transition to new server: phase one complete (I think)

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at canisius.edu
Mon Jan 28 05:51:47 AKST 2008

The homepage at <http://www.nsrca.org> is now redirecting
to <http://nsrca.us>.

A few links at nsrca.us lead back to pages at nsrca.org
(K-Factor, PayPal, calendar) and will continue to do so
until new database management schemes are set up and

I believe that I have transposed all of the other material
from the old system into the new system.  If you're having
trouble locating something, you might try the "Site Map"
at the bottom of the main menu on the new site.  There is
also a search box in the upper-right-hand corner that seems
to be working OK.

In the long run, we intend to point nsrca.org to the
new linux server and the original NT server will be
shut down.

In the meantime, you might want to adjust your link
to <http://nsrca.us> to go directly to the home page
of the website.

Only the home page at nsrca.org has been changed.
No other files or folders have been affected.  You
may still access the site via FTP, Frontpage, or
links to particular sections of the old system.

This is just the first draft of the site.  We're waiting
for some upgrades in the server from NXS.net that will
allow folks to upload avatars in their profiles.  When
the system is upgraded, we will also be able to open
a photo gallery.

District webmasters may continue to use nsrca.org
until it's time to turn off that server (let's call
that "D-day").  Or they may transfer their files to
nsrca.us and continue to develop their site with
Frontpage or other HTML systems prior to D-day.
We won't shut down the old server until we're sure
that everybody has landed safely on the new one.

For those who wonder why we're changing something
that ain't broke, a comparison of these two pages
may be instructive:



The information available in both pages is (I hope)
identical.  Only the "look and feel" of the presentation
has changed--but I believe it is a great benefit to the
user.  People don't need beautifully finished airplanes
in order to fly competitively, but there seems to be
something in the culture of the NSRCA that leads people
to create stunningly beautiful designs.  I'm not claiming
that the new layout is that good, but it is a step in
that direction.

We hope that the graphics designers among us will think
about designing a new logo for the site.  I'll put up
an article about the old logos in the
About > Website & Webteam area (top menu).

Some of us have been working on this project for 14 months.
I'm pleased that we have reached this stage.  I know that
there is a lot of work yet to be done to flesh out the
new site and the new system.  Thanks to all who have
helped and to all who will help in making this succeed.

				Acting Webmaster

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