[NSRCA-discussion] Battery charger needed

Bob Richards bob at toprudder.com
Thu Jan 24 12:50:57 AKST 2008

Tom Simes <simestd at netexpress.com> wrote:  It would also be nice if they came out with an
Accucycle Extreme or something to handle larger packs with the same
intuitive interface (and the aforementioned balancers).

  I ended up buying other chargers for charging larger and higher cell count packs, but for foamies and small electrics, as well as transmitter and receiver packs (either Nicad or LiIon), I always grab my Accucycle Elite.
  When I really got busy with electrics (non-pattern planes), my second purchase was a charger that will charge up to 4 packs, but it has fewer safety features and no digital readout of the capacity, and it only handles Lipos. I only use it when I have to.

  Bob R.
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