[NSRCA-discussion] Battery charger needed

Eddie Batchelor perkinsrx at centurytel.net
Thu Jan 24 10:26:28 AKST 2008

I'll second the Accucycle Elite. 




From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.f3a.us
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.f3a.us] On Behalf Of Bob Richards
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:05 AM
To: NSRCA Mailing List
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Battery charger needed


There may be better ones, but I have the Accucycle Elite and have been
pleased with it. Up to three cell Lipos or LiIons, Nicads/NiMh, two outputs,
displays capacity, etc. It also has temperature inputs (probes not included)
that will shut down the charge if the battery goes over a certain temp.  It
has lots of safety features.  Works from 12v, but includes a 110v power
supply as well. 


Bob R.

Anthony Abdullah <aabdu at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

For a while I have wanted to get a foamy but never did because I don't have
a charger for Lipos. Now I am at the point of running lighter batteries in
my pattern planes and will need a battery charger for the new types of
batteries in use. Having no knowledge of Lipos and such I am appealing to
the brain trust for your guidance. 


My desires in order of importance:

-As safe and foolprooof as possible- I do not want to burn down my house if
I accidently set it to charge at 5 instead of .5

-Reliable- It should be low maintenance I don't want to have to send it in
for repairs or replace it very often. I have had my Nicad charger for years
with no problems

-Versatile- able to safely charge and dischage just about all battery types

-User friendly- I can just plug it in, set it and forget it (within reason),
also able to work from different power sources (12 volt battery, 110 volt
household plug, etc) It would be nice if it also worked to keep my batteries
in peak condition by not overcharging or over heating them.

- Price- I want quality and am willing to pay for it


If such a charger exists please let me know. I am curious as to what people
have used and what you would recommend.


Thank you very much


NSRCA #759

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