[NSRCA-discussion] Altitude limits

Bob Richards bob at toprudder.com
Tue Jan 22 04:03:24 AKST 2008

I know that the AOPA is watching the UAV issue very closely. They seem to be dead set against UAVs sharing controlled airspace with normal aircraft, unless separation can be insured.

Ed White <edvwhite at sbcglobal.net> wrote:  Arch,

I also work with UAV projects.  Up until recently it was a grey area and different FAA field offices offered their own interpretation of this AC with regard to UAV's.  In the last year or so we were told was a more formal interpretation from FAA headquarters that said this AC covers only model airplanes flown by hobbyists and it can not be applied to UAV's or model aircraft flown for commercial purposes.  The commercial purposes was key.

You are correct that the FAA is developing rules for UAV's flown for commercial purposes (and have been developing such rules for at least 4-5 years that I know of, probably longer).  The AC has existed for over 25 years and has had little effect on us.  Very few flyers know it even exists.  I think you are right on the money that it is up to us to be smart and careful so that when the new rules finally do come out, they won't restrict us excessively.


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