[NSRCA-discussion] wattmeters/whattmeters

Chad Northeast chad at f3acanada.org
Wed Aug 13 17:56:06 AKDT 2008


Sounds like you may have the Seagull unit?  Most I think are referring 
to the micrologger unit which is much smaller and more portable.

If you wanna record inflight data (which I personally think is of a lot 
more value than any static testing), the micrologger (e-logger) is 
probably the most common choice.  Otherwise, the Watts-Up, Medusa, or 
Astro for static measurements will all serve you well.


Jerry Stebbins wrote:
> Thanks to all who responded. I do have an Eagle Tree System, but it is 
> all mounted in our "test" plane. Probably need to add-on to the HW and 
> go that route. The box and Tx is not too heavy for most planes.
> Jerry
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Bob Richards <mailto:bob at toprudder.com>
>     *To:* General pattern discussion
>     <mailto:nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:13 PM
>     *Subject:* Re: [NSRCA-discussion] wattmeters/whattmeters
>     Jerry,
>     I use the Sears clamp on all the time. I like it because not only
>     does it measure DC current without having to insert in the battery
>     lead, it also allows me to measure each battery before use (just
>     to make sure it is charged).
>     I also have an Eagle Tree eLogger with the optional LCD display,
>     and really like it because I can program it to display various
>     parameters, not only instantaneous values like voltage and
>     current, but also the max current during a flight, minimum
>     voltage, and mah consumed - like a gas gauge.
>     It will also measure temp, rpm, airspeed and other parameters with
>     various plug-in options, and can record all this information
>     during flight for later download to a computer for analysis. So
>     far I have only used the LCD display for the output. Nice, since
>     it tells me all that I want to know and I don't have to bother
>     with a computer at the field.
>     Bob R
>     --- On *Wed, 8/13/08, Jerry Stebbins
>     /<JAStebbins at worldnet.att.net>/* wrote:
>         Ok, all you E folks-I have a question.
>         What meter do you use for motor I measurements. I have looked
>         at both of these--I am sure there are others- and don't like
>         the idea of having another separate battery hooked up in
>         order to collect the data.
>         What are your experiences, and recommendations.
>         I remember Ron was using a Sears clamp-on .
>         I need to buy one now.
>         Thanks
>         Jerry
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