[NSRCA-discussion] Chapter-4 NSRCA abuse of power.

Grow Pattern pattern4u at comcast.net
Fri Jun 22 11:53:04 AKDT 2007

Move to fall 2006.


I was scheduled to be a judge at the Don Lowe Masters in 2006. I consider this to be quite an honor. There is some of the best flying in the world taking place right in front of you. I had judged there two years ago (2004). I rather liked their format. Basically, it was judging to FAI standards with IMAC planes flying IMAC combination maneuvers.

It is very hard to judge, but very rewarding to watch and well worth  taking a week out of Michelle's and my own schedule to make the 1500-mile round trip at my own expense.

Apart from myself, the following NSRCA officials were also going to be there to judge; Lamar Blair, Dave Guerin, Don Ramsey and Matt Kebabjian. 


Prior to the event the DLM organizers were provided with the NSRCA analysis of my alleged biased scoring and how it proved their point. Basically they gave NSRCA confidential information to a third party that had nothing to do with the Nationals or the NSRCA. They only had one purpose. 

I am sure that you can figure out the motive. Clearly, I had annoyed these NSRCA officials. You may also remember that I had resigned from the NSRCA board in the February of 2006. I had resigned because I knew what went on with the judging at the 2005 Nationals. I had my objections ignored by my president so I walked away. BUT they did not let me go peacefully.


"The solution for the DLM was to lose one judge instead of these three or four".


The NSRCA board did not stopped with just preparing a Nationals judging ban for me. 


Not only was this petty but it was a pretty clear indication that they were simply "after me!"  


 In my opinion this was a form of blackmail.


So far this they had engaged in somewhat self-serving nasty games but had not really done me any damage.


But they did not stop there!   


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