[NSRCA-discussion] Fwd: Electric Weight Proposal Logic and Rationale

BUDDYonRC at aol.com BUDDYonRC at aol.com
Thu Jun 21 09:24:58 AKDT 2007

Here we go again!
My vote would be to raise the weight limit to 12 pounds fueled ready to  fly.
That seems to fit the bill for any type of power. And would be more  
consistent than having a special case for different types of power.
But (tongue in cheek) everyone will likely build a large biplane and make  my 
wide body current design obsolete. What happened to the idea that added  
weight was a disadvantage.
Seems that the Electric Crowd are waking up to what many were facing last  
time this was discussed Building light in most cases cost's around $200.00 a  
pound or more.

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