[NSRCA-discussion] Bouncing e-mail problem - Bellsouth

William C. Harden flyinbill1 at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 26 14:27:45 AKDT 2007

Below is Bellsouth's response to my NSRC bouncing e-mail enquiry.

I don't know how to contact Gateway.

Bill Harden

-----Original Message-----
From: Broadband DSL Help Desk [mailto:DSL.helpdesk at bellsouth.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:29 PM
To: flyinbill1 at bellsouth.net
Subject: Re: BellSouth E-mail (KMM31055583I17770L0KM)

Dear AT&T Internet Service Customer, 

Thank you for taking the time to contact AT&T Internet Service. We 
appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns because it is our 
goal to provide the highest quality Internet service available.

We apologize for any inconvience. In this case there is nothing that can
be done by AT&T. Your problem is with gateway because they have 
blacklisted bellsouth so you would have to contact gateway regarding 
this issue.

Again, thank you for this opportunity to address your concerns. Help is 
just a click away! Solutions to common technical problems, answers to 
frequently asked questions, and real-time chat with a AT&T eAgent are 
all available online at http://help.bellsouth.net.  You can also reach 
us 24x7, toll free at 888-321-2375.

April Ewings

AT&T Broadband Email Support

AT&T(R) FastAccess DSL Service 888-321-2375
AT&T(R) Dial Internet Service 800-436-8638

Original Message Follows:
The below is from the NSRCA Web site master:

I've spend a little more time going through the mailing list logs.  The 
indications are that if you are a bellsouth.net customer, since July 
10th there has been roughly a 1 in 3 chance that you will not receive a 
given inbound e-mail (from any source, not just the NSRCA list).

In a nutshell, when any server on the Internet tries to deliver mail for
a bellsouth.net customer, it first performs a lookup to find out which 
servers handle inbound mail for bellsouth.net. 
Bellsouth.net has a set of 3 inbound mail servers 
(mx00.mail.bellsouth.net, mx01.mail.bellsouth.net and 
gateway-f1.isp.att.net).  The 3 servers are equally weighted and are 
served up round-robin fashion.  Since July 10th, gateway-f1.isp.att.net 
has been refusing e-mail addressed to any bellsouth.net list user with a
"user unknown" permanent error which results in the e-mail being 
discarded as undeliverable.

I've called and e-mailed logs and an explanation to several departments 
within Bellsouth trying to draw attention to the problem with no results
to date.  If you are a bellsouth.net customer (and by luck happen to 
receive this e-mail) feel free to forward this explanation to them. 

Bellsouth, please do what you can to help solve this problem.


William Harden  

First Name	:William
Last Name	:Harden
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