[NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase

Michael Wickizer mwickizer at msn.com
Wed Jan 3 07:23:54 AKST 2007

"IMAA contests require IMAC membership.... or an increased entry fee.  IMAC
"Big Bird" events often do something special for IMAC members"

IMAA is the sig for giant scale models, their sanctioned fly-ins require 
IMAA membership.  This has hurt participation in giant scale fly-ins and as 
a result, many of the local fly-ins are no longer IMAA sanctioned.  IMAA 
prohibits any type of organized competition at their sanctioned fly-ins.

IMAC is the aerobatic competiton sig for giant scale models.  They don't 
require IMAA membership or even IMAC membership to participate.  They do 
however generally offer a small discount on entry fees for IMAC members.

Just points of clarification, no answers for the current problems

>From: "Fred Huber" <fhhuber at clearwire.net>
>Reply-To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>To: "NSRCA Mailing List" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
>Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 23:21:43 -0600
>OK... something looks broke.  Its easy to complain when something looks
>I'm sure that there's a frustration level within the elected officers of 
>NSRCA due to the problems they see.  They don't need the problems to be
>repeatedly pointed out.  The problems are staring them in the face.
>They need some WORKABLE solutions if the organization is to survive.
>Pattern is a limited subset of RC flying.
>NSRCA is a subset of Pattern
>If that subset shrinks, then the costs of getting the quality publication
>exceed the income from dues plus advertising... (and having it cheaper to
>get 1000 and throw half of the print run away, instead of an order of just
>enough to send out and have a dozen or so spares for "lost in the mail"
>copies...  is a serious problem) Then we need to either get more members or
>a cheaper printing cost. (reduced paper quality... no color...)
>We have been told that reduced print quality turns around and causes 
>advertising revenue and possibly reduced membership.  THAT IS THE OPPOSITE
>OF WHAT WE WANT, if we want to make NSRCA grow. (and the logical conclusion
>is... if we take that route, the NSRCA would be doomed.)
>So, the solution looks like... Finding ways to attract more people to the
>I was fairly easy to attract, having been an AMA supporter for over 30
>years, even if I wasn't a continuous member. (I've had at least 3 different
>AMA numbers... probably 5.  I lost track and so did the AMA.)  I believe in
>supporting the organizations that support the activities I enjoy.
>We have a LOT more people flying Pattern than there are NSRCA members...
>How do we make the NSRCA look like a good deal to the non-members?
>First idea that comes to mind is the most likely to work (and has been
>mentioned by someone else)  Get NSRCA member CD's to give a discount to
>NSRCA members at contests.  If it costs $5 less to compete for a NSRCA
>member, or if an NSRCA member gets some bonus such as free entry in the
>drawing for the freebies at the event, then you should see some increase in
>IMAA contests require IMAC membership.... or an increased entry fee.  IMAC
>"Big Bird" events often do something special for IMAC members...  Promote
>"NSRCA Pattern" contests and make them sound special. (and then MAKE THEM
>Make pattern more attractive to entry level competitors.  That means the
>people already competing need to interact with the other local flyers at 
>club field, giving pointers in how to make models perform better and how to
>make thier flying LOOK BETTER.  The local "Pattern Gurus" were very
>instrumental in curing some serious deficiencies in my flying and the 
>is that I break a LOT less airplanes and I get a lot more flying time.
>(because my airplanes aren't broke)  Show the other flyers that Pattern
>builds flying skills that help EVERYONE!
>Again... my goal is NOT to advance in Pattern.  My goal is to get my skills
>up so that when I get my scale models built and ready to try competing... I
>can win due to FLIGHT SCORE.  Flight score is 50% of Scale competition....
>and often neglected by the scale competitors because they work so hard
>perfecting the model they don't take the time to build flying skill. I've
>seen a lot of beautiful scale models smashed due to poor flying skills...
>THAT WON'T BE ME at the next Big Bird.
>We have seen the problem.
>I have a couple of suggestions that MIGHT help...
>Instead of harping about the problems.  Lets look for more potential
>AMA # L506771
>NSRCA # 4053
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Wayne" <Whinkle1024 at msn.com>
>To: "NSRCA Mailing List" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 10:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> > Well said Del
> >
> > As I mentioned and everyone went off on me. Its not the extra $10. Its 
> > fact there is no plan for the future and no way to pay the bills. We are
> > short on funds so we need to increase dues. To me this only means 
> > more money into an already deep hole. The NSRCA management over the last
> > 2-4
> > years has spent in the range of $25,000 more than its income. Not 
> > a
> > finger and saying where did it go? and then shaming folks into just
> > sending
> > the extra $10 is not going to solve the problem.
> >
> > Derek can speak directly to the funds issue as he reported the funds in
> > excess back beofre Lamar was elected to office. I got the number 
> > from the debate on email regarding the finacial issues and address
> > questions
> > to canidates that I believe Troy Neuman posted 2 years ago. These 
> > jive with Rusty Dose's last column where he states dues and advertising 
> > down $15,000 per year. Guess what do this for 2 years and there is your
> > $25k.
> >
> > This is not a call to stop renewing. Rather its a vote of no confidence 
> > the current method. Not the people just the fact we are dumping money 
> > the drain.
> >
> > I voice my opinion and the world explodes in that I don't know what I'm
> > talking about. Guess what  THAT is the ARROGANT, Elitist attitude that 
> > pattern flyers are so famous for.
> >
> > I have copies of old KF's that were nothing more than Xerox sheets like 
> > normal club news letter. The content was 10 times what it is today. Yet 
> > probably cost about 1/4 the price to produce.
> >
> > The KF used to attract folks because it was the place to get info and
> > contacts for all the cool pattern stuff. Not because it had a fancy 
> > in
> > color. Well the internet, and direct mail marketing ads from Central 
> > and others now give this information to us. I would rather see us spend
> > our
> > money on a professional website that has info, how to's, ads, and real
> > time
> > information other than the local weather report every month from the 
> > that is costing us thousands.
> >
> > My suggestion is to stop producing a published news letter. Instead
> > continue
> > it as an online publication and spend our money on the website and have
> > some
> > professional help in setting it up, marketing our shirts, caps and
> > patches,
> > and get back to what the NSRCA does well. Promote pattern instead of
> > producing a poor publication.
> >
> > Get in bed with Flying Giants and create a online "pattern flyer 
> > Like IMAC has done. They have a good product and the cost is half the
> > price.
> > In fact they are doing so good at it people think they are us. How many
> > times do we see the internet light up with I would like to fly pattern 
> > want to get started but I only have 50cc yak and I don't want to get
> > laughed
> > at. A good website and some positive support that can pool us the 
> > and keep a archive of the great techniques and articles that are 
> >
> > We can't compete with MA News, FLY RC and others so why try. We are who 
> > are and its time to cut back and tighten the belt. If we devote even 1/2
> > the
> > funds from our current poor KF to a good website we will much better off
> > for
> > the long haul. I know the website is work but we have volunteers doing 
> > and the results are not competitive. Hell we can't even get D1 and D6 to
> > put
> > their websites on the national site. Then we can't get D8 to update the
> > contests on the National site they have to go to D8's site to get the
> > contest. Come on lets get a united front that looks like we aren't just 
> > bunch of hillbillies! That is why IMAC has the coverage in the 
> > that is why IMAC has suppliers like H9 including decals in the kits and
> > membership apps. That is why they are sound financially. We just sit
> > around
> > and argue why a snap isn't a snap and don't want anyone to touch our
> > precious news letter that is trying to be a full magazine. Volunteers 
> > this organization go round. Well gets get them focus on what needs to
> > happen. Asleep at the wheel will not solve it. We have had that for the
> > past
> > several years.
> >
> >
> > Wayne
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Del K. Rykert" <drykert2 at rochester.rr.com>
> > To: "NSRCA Mailing List" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 4:50 PM
> > Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >
> >
> >> First I think we have to ask ourselves do we need or want to keep the
> >> casual
> >> competitors involved?
> >>
> >> My thoughts are if the NSRCA wants to encourage or cater to the casual
> >> competitors they have to change their mind set. As it stands they
> >> discourage
> >> and have driven away most of the casual pattern flyers. In my mind that
> >> is
> >> the biggest pool of people to build from as others are happy in their
> >> competitive niches they have found.
> >>
> >>    1. Nats competitors pay / class.  If a class has finals and flyoffs
> >> why
> >> should Intermediate and Advanced help foot the bill?  Prorate the
> >> registration fee based on class and potential number of flights that
> >> competitor could fly if they are superb flyer. Masters and FAI pay a
> >> higher
> >> fee than Intermediate and Advanced. They require more work and cost 
> >> to
> >> the organization to do thus should pay a fairer share of the Nats.
> >>
> >>    2. Competitors that do belong to NSRCA should get a price reduction 
> >> at least $5.00 at local meets and maybe $10.00 at Nats.
> >>
> >>    3. People who are qualified NSRCA judges should be automatically
> >> entered
> >> to win a significant door/entry prize providing they do judge a minimum
> >> of
> >> 1
> >> round. Would love to give them price break also for making the extra
> >> effort
> >> to be competent judge but feel that's to big a headache to do.
> >>
> >>    Those that don't want to support the NSRCA and all the hard work 
> >> is
> >> done to promote and help the SIG shouldn't get a free ride.
> >>
> >>    To late to go back, but changes that make it harder for the casual
> >> flyer
> >> to participate are going to keep or drive them away. Whether demands in
> >> time/money/obsolete equipment, all take their toll. Schedules in lower
> >> classes should only be changed every 3 years. Easier on judges and 
> >> competitors.  Many of my friends over the years that have left have 
> >> casual competitors and time demands took them away from the sport. If
> >> NSRCA
> >> wants to stay focused on being the best and most competent flyers only
> >> then
> >> stay the course. My feeling is the Sportsman, Intermediate and Advanced
> >> that
> >> shouldn't be the case. I would even prefer a ban of any sort of
> >> sponsorship
> >> in these classes also.
> >>
> >>    If you care to reply directly to not clog the list with my banter.
> >>  Del K. Rykert
> >> E-mail Address(es):
> >>  drykert2 at rochester.rr.com
> >>
> >> If you have something constructive that may be enlightening to the 
> >> please respond to the list. Myopic views aren't seeing the problem. 
> >> of
> >> the poor schmuck who has no coach, no pattern club or pattern flyers to
> >> use
> >> as a support network. Then think what they have to address to enter and
> >> play
> >> in this SIG. Then  maybe.. just MAYBE you can understand the whole 
> >> and
> >> picture from the perspective I am trying to convey.
> >>
> >> This is purely meant as food for thought and not attacking anyone's 
> >> work or efforts to date leading and promoting the sport. I am not
> >> suggesting
> >> this changes will be agreeable or practical to all but my view is it
> >> should
> >> help the casual competitor if this SIG would like to encourage and keep
> >> some
> >> of them as they do help support with their judging time, financial
> >> support
> >> to events that are barely drawing enough interest to keep contests on 
> >> schedule. Some clubs have dropped pattern event d/t lack of entrants.
> >> Clubs
> >> get tired of giving up and weekend and losing money to boot.
> >>
> >>                Del
> >>          nsrca - 473
> >>        AMA - 8928
> >>          kb2joi
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Bob Kane" <getterflash at yahoo.com>
> >> To: "NSRCA Mailing List" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >> Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 2:36 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>
> >>
> >>> So what do you suggest?
> >>>
> >>> Bob Kane
> >>> getterflash at yahoo.com
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message ----
> >>> From: Del K. Rykert <drykert2 at rochester.rr.com>
> >>> To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >>> Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:37:56 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Derek.
> >>>    I believe the NSRCA should be looking at the last 10 years as the
> >>> measure to see how things are improving. Speaking in generalities this
> >>> SIG
> >>> has been in declining status for most part since this sport has become
> >>> dramatically more expensive and takes gobs more time to be involved 
> >>> The
> >>> days of flying 40 size models are no longer viable. 60 size models are
> >>> no
> >>> longer competitive. Competitors have to learn to be a competent judge 
> >>> well as a good mechanic / flyer and possibly builder if they choose 
> >>>    All these factors do force the realization that this sport is no
> >>> longer
> >>> willing to encourage or listen to the causal competitor.
> >>>
> >>>    Del
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "Derek Koopowitz" <derekkoopowitz at gmail.com>
> >>> To: "'NSRCA Mailing List'" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >>> Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 12:58 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Actually membership is up over the last couple of years but we do 
> >>>> a
> >>>> lot
> >>>> of work ahead of us - it will be challenging to all of us, not just 
> >>>> board, but for all members.  One of my goals is to increase revenue
> >>>> with
> >>>> the
> >>>> K-Factor but I need someone for the Advertising Manager position - 
> >>>> person must be passionate about this sport and must be a good
> >>>> communicator -
> >>>> someone that can solicit new advertising to help build it up slowly.
> >>>> We
> >>>> did
> >>>> pick up a couple of new advertisers in 2006 - I think we can pick up 
> >>>> couple more new advertisers in the next few months.  If anyone has an
> >>>> interest in being our Ad Manager please contact me ASAP.
> >>>>
> >>>> Wayne, I'm sorry to hear that you won't renew your membership -
> >>>> hopefully
> >>>> you'll change your mind in the near future.  As to what I will do to
> >>>> get
> >>>> us
> >>>> out of this pickle?  We ALL have to do something.  This is not
> >>>> something
> >>>> that any one person can fix - if I could wave a magic wand, I would.
> >>>> We'll
> >>>> take the necessary steps on getting our finances in order - let me 
> >>>> you
> >>>> that it won't take much to see a difference.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
> >>>> [mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Wayne
> >>>> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 6:17 PM
> >>>> To: NSRCA Mailing List
> >>>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>>>
> >>>> Don't worry Paul it wasn't announced in the KF either!
> >>>>
> >>>> So you didn't miss anything.
> >>>>
> >>>> I understand the need for increased dues. I also understand the need
> >>>> for
> >>>> the
> >>>> NSRCA to give us something in return for our support. Today I don't 
> >>>> much
> >>>> going on to PROMOTE pattern. While I wish to support pattern and
> >>>> promote
> >>>> it
> >>>> I will take my $40 and spend it on attendance at an event rather than
> >>>> the
> >>>> NSRCA.
> >>>>
> >>>> Sorry but poor management of more of our funds are not going to get 
> >>>> done.
> >>>>
> >>>> 2 years ago when folks asked questions of Derek and Lamar the bank
> >>>> account
> >>>> was sitting on a surplus of about $12,000 or so. If I remember the
> >>>> numbers
> >>>> correctly. I'm going to go find the old KF that had this number in 
> >>>> Rusty
> >>>> Dose tells us last month that we are down over $15,000 is dues and
> >>>> advertising revenue. Looks to me like this has been a sinking ship 
> >>>> some
> >>>> time. The very fact that I received a renewal notice with the $40 
> >>>> tag
> >>>> on it a full week before we heard about it from the board is another
> >>>> sign
> >>>> of
> >>>> mismanagement. A 30% increase in dues just because there has not been 
> >>>> increase in many years is not the solution to our problems. Where is
> >>>> the
> >>>> 30%
> >>>> increase going to help support precision aerobatics.
> >>>>
> >>>> I think that with all products and services in the market place today
> >>>> the
> >>>> NSRCA needs to show some value to the modelers out there. If this
> >>>> happens
> >>>> then membership will grow. Revenue will increase. And Pattern flying
> >>>> will
> >>>> prosper. I feel that I and other vote with our pocket books. The 
> >>>> advertising dollars are down, the reason dues dollars are down is due
> >>>> directly to the product supplied.
> >>>>
> >>>> Perhaps the NSRCA leadership is listening but instead we talk about
> >>>> what
> >>>> a
> >>>> great job has been done and how far we have come. I'm not into 
> >>>> the
> >>>> guy that just left but Derek we have seen nothing about how to get us
> >>>> out
> >>>> of
> >>>> this pickle we are in. Therefore I elect not to renew at this time. I
> >>>> think
> >>>> there are better places to spend our money to support Precision
> >>>> Aerobatics.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Wayne
> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>> From: "Paul Brine" <pbrine at uoguelph.ca>
> >>>> To: "NSRCA Mailing List" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >>>> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:19 PM
> >>>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> It also wasn't announced to the membership until Dec 22nd via 
> >>>>> email.
> >>>>> Remember not everyone (ie myself ) is in a position to download and
> >>>>> read
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> k-factor on-line.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Applying the increase to those who renewed before then is like you
> >>>>> signing
> >>>>> on the line to buy a car and being told a week later by the dealer
> >>>>> that
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> price went up a $1000.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Paul
> >>>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>> From: Martin X. Moleski, SJ <moleski at canisius.edu>
> >>>>> To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >>>>> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 1:07 PM
> >>>>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Anthony Abdullah wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> > Silly quesion:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> > After a long pattern lay off for grad school and such I am
> >>>>>> > returning
> >>>>>> > in
> >>>>>> > full force. Part of that included renewing my NSRCA membership.
> >>>>>> > When
> >>>>>> > I
> >>>>>> > downloaded and printed the form from the NSRCA website the dues 
> >>>>>> > listed as $30.00 and that is how much the check was written for
> >>>>>> > (just
> >>>>>> > two days ago). Do I need to send an additional check for $10.00 
> >>>>>> > is
> >>>>>> > the price increse effective Jan 1?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> There was a missed communication between Lamar and myself early in
> >>>>>> December, so I didn't hear about the change in dues until two or
> >>>>>> three days ago.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The law is probably on your side, if you want to take the time
> >>>>>> to take it to court.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> It would be a huge kindness to simply send along another $10 check.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I believe the forms have all been updated.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm hoping to work on the Paypal front end over this vacation.
> >>>>>> It hasn't been satisfactory for a couple of years ... my bad.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Marty
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