[NSRCA-discussion] D5 Contest Schedule

vicenterc at comcast.net vicenterc at comcast.net
Sun Feb 4 07:54:00 AKST 2007

Hi Tim,

I know that Kansas City is going to be on June 23 and 24.  KCRC and RC Barnstormers will sponsor the KC contest.  We are planing to alternate fields each year.  This year the contest is going to be at Jacomo Lake field and next year at Hillsdale Lake field.  

As you can see, the contest is not on Father's day weekend anymore.  In this way, we avoid to have it  one week after Tulsa.

Vicente "Vince" Bortone    

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tim" <twortkoetter at yahoo.com> 

I am trying to plan out my vacation schedule for the year and need to know what the dates are of the D5 contests.  I am thinking of going to the Kansas city, Springfield MO, Columbia MO, and hopefully Fort Scott KS contests.  If you know the dates please send me a note.  Thanks,
Tim Wortkoetter
twortkoetter at yahoo.com
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From: "Tim" <twortkoetter at yahoo.com>
Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] D5 Contest Schedule
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 15:21:22 +0000
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