[NSRCA-discussion] Question - Hyde Mount Firm Idle MKIII Type C (Doesn't require a Nose Ring)

Lisa & Larry lld613 at psci.net
Sun Dec 2 16:58:01 AKST 2007

I'm thinking about using an Extra 330 to test radio and engine equipment,
what I would call a disposable plane.That just doesn't sound good. It will
be a sport flier for the most part, but will house my back up 140DZ.


The plane is designed for a 140 2-stroke and weighs about 10 pounds.
However, the quality isn't.let say.to my preferred level. It will be with a
few minor adjustments.However, it was very low cost for an ARF this size.


Question. I'm thinking of using the Hyde Mount Firm Idle MKIII Type C in
this plane. I don't want to spend a lot for a mount if I don't have to for
this plane. I know I won't use anything less for an engine mount as the DZ
will beat it to death.


Any thoughts.good / bad / ok.



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