[NSRCA-discussion] Lubbock High Plains Championships

Ed Deaver divesplat at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 6 16:22:18 AKDT 2007

Hey everyone.  It is official our contest is going to be held at the city field on 
Aug 25-26 due to Reece ending our 10 year(or so) lease.  It has been a great time and anyone that has attended anything at Reece understands.
  The city field has a 600+ ft runway, faces the east, is orientated N-S and has a little shade but pop-ups would be a good idea.  RV's can stay but no hook-ups.
  The city field is located between 4th and 19st on FM 179, 1 mile east of Reece Center.  We flew on Fri at this field last year due to circumstances.
  I am excited about another successful contest, just the location is slightly different.
  No hotels are closer to the field as most are on the South/East side of town.  I can make a list if needed but most people already have their favorites.
  You can call Ed at 806 239-5971 after 2pm if you have any questions.

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