[NSRCA-discussion] Contest attendence, Rain & D-4 Championships

Atwood, Mark atwoodm at paragon-inc.com
Wed Sep 27 04:47:53 AKDT 2006

As several have read, we had a great contest in the face of a some
pretty daunting weather.  We much appreciate the thank you's...but I'd
like to point out to the crowd, not only the D4/D5 crowd, but to
everyone on the list, the value of GOING to contests to the contest
itself, and send a special thank you to the D5 crowd that made this
weekends contest happen. 


This particular contest has a good reputation for food, fun, festivities
and even an ok pattern contest.  But this year we faced a VERY daunting
weather forecast that only got worse and more certainly "bad" as the
weekend approached.  The potential was for a complete bust.
Unfortunately, long before any reliable forecast is made, significant
money is already spent on trophies, food, and a variety of miscellaneous
items, many of which are "sunk" costs.    


It was not without some hesitation I'm sure that Mike Mueller, Bobby
Satalino, Jim Hubbard, Doc, Frank, Bill, Christopher, and several others
loaded up and drove 6 hours down from D5 into horrible weather just to
"Attend".   And their attendance made the entire contest.  Socially...it
wouldn't be a contest without them...and I'm sure other districts have
similar groups.  Groups whose positive attitude for the hobby is both
consistent, and infectious. (Ok...I'm sure Bill can be considered
infectious in a variety of ways, but we won't go there just now).   


Not only did this group show up, but come Saturday morning...which
started with driving rain and some nasty wind...they stayed.  They came
out to the field in the early am...  And when there was a break in the
actual rain...they didn't hesitate when asked to schlep all their stuff
out onto a muddy wet field and put planes in the air for what could only
be a 30 min window of "dry".  The wind didn't go away.


They did this over and over and over and over again.  Planes were
carried in and out at least 8 times for rain delays over 10 hours and
not once did someone suggest calling it a day.  When all was said and
done...we'd pumped 20 people through 3 rounds and actually had a good
contest going.


I think what I'm trying to say here is Go to the contests you plan to go
to.  They're fun because of the people AND because of the flying.  And
more often than not, if everyone wants to, and works at it...you'll get
a contest in.  


Again...thanks D5 for showing us a little perseverance and dedication
(and special thanks to Mike Mueller who led the way) and for allowing us
to continue a successful tradition of fun...though next year I expect to
see more rockets!






From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of mike
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 4:14 PM
To: NSRCA Mailing List
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] D-4 Championships


 You the man Bill!!!!!!!

ahrensw at charter.net wrote: 

I also would like to thank D4 for a great contest and great food, I can
now say I have flow my plane in the rain and over the tops of low clouds
during a contest, My R/C log book now has IFR time!!! Now I am not sure
if I want to stay current.
Bill Ahrens

---- mike mueller wrote: 
> As always we had a great time. Nice contest bad wind conditions. I
hope that the 2007 season has better weather than this year did. We flew
in aweful conditions most of the year. Congrats to all the winners. Mike
> Steven Maxwell wrote: A big thanks to Amy Pannell, Bob Pannel and Mark
Attwood, for doing a great job on the Championships, of course Amy feeds
us and Bob and Mark CD. We had a struggel Saturday with weather but got
3 rounds in, with 2 more Sunday. Much thanks to all that helped, score
keepers, all the great help with food, and for having a big enough place
to get the planes out of the rain Saturday.
> Shame on all that missed this great event.
> Steven Maxwell
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