[NSRCA-discussion] Tech-Aero Designs open for business!

Ed Alt ed_alt at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 4 20:20:31 AKST 2006

I'm pleased to announce that Tech-Aero Designs is now open for business. The initial product offerings are based on the Failsafe Programmable Regulator design that I originally designed to resolve a product feature gap that both Dave Lockhart and I were struggling with about this time last year.  We both wanted a very precise, small, light weight, ultra reliable regulator system that would work equally well with any battery technology.  Besides being able to function with ordinary single battery systems, it also had to be more precisely settable than any other unit available, in order to be an effective, balanced solution for redundant battery configurations.

Between Dave, myself and a few other local Pattern flyers, we've accumulated a full season worth of flawless flying with the pre-production units.  Now the Tech-Aero FlexReg is available in production.  Please visit us at:


Ed Alt

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