[NSRCA-discussion] Notes To Self 7 The Return, Return?

Bob Richards bob at toprudder.com
Thu Jun 22 02:48:55 AKDT 2006

It all started with the AC outlet covers -- can't let little Johnny stick a knife into the socket! Then there were cabinet locks to keep them from getting into the drano. Now these protected ones have matured, and have lawyers to represent them in personal injury lawsuits.
  Nature had a way of cleaning out the gene pool, you know! 
  Oh, wait a minute, you were talking about smart asses, I was talking about dumb asses. NEVERMIND!  :-)
  Bob R.

Pete Cosky <pcosky at comcast.net> wrote:
                Speaking as a card carrying smartass
..we are a legally protected species
not legal to kill any of the 50 states as much as most would like to.

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