[NSRCA-discussion] New at the Nats this year.

mike mueller mups1953 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 21 02:44:59 AKDT 2006

 I just received word from Rusty Dose of a few new activity's being added to the Nats this year. Heres what Rusty and Dave have in store for the participants and their families.
  2006 Nationals Special Events
  I am pleased to announce a few events which will be run during the 2006 AMA R/C Pattern Nationals.  Each event is designed to recognize and celebrate special accomplishments as well as involve all NATS attendees and their families.  Additionally, the events will provide a “media” opportunity to share the unique contributions precision aerobatic modelers provide.
  JR Future Champions Breakfast
  The “JR Future Champions Breakfast” will be held on Thursday, July 20 from 8:00AM to 10:00AM to recognize, reward and inspire the top (10) finishers in Intermediate and Advanced classes as well as provide a special event for other competitors and their families staying for the Masters finals, FAI finals and late afternoon awards presentation.
  Peter Goldsmith and JR have graciously committed to underwrite the event which will be held at the NSRCA hospitality tent located at Site 1, the location of the FAI finals.  Orange juice, coffee, donuts (NO COST) and stimulating conversation will be available.  I have a few interesting surprises that will make this a must attend NATS activity.
  2006 Concours de Elegance 
  The 2006 Concours de Elegance will be awarded to “Best of Show” and “Runner-up” recognizing state of the art precision aerobatic design, model construction, interior and exterior finish, graphics and control system innovation and execution.
  Each 2006 NATS pilot will be given a ballot contained in their competitor’s packet to nominate/vote for two models.  The models must be an official “declared” primary or back-up model.  The OWNER of the model will receive the award. Therefore, the builder of the model rule will NOT apply.  Today’s models tend to be more of a collaboration of talented individuals including designer, builder, equipment installation and finisher.  I am confident that the highest levels of craftsmanship and creativity will be awarded to a “non-professionally” produced model.  Having said that, I would be comfortable that a professionally built new design with owner installed equipment and graphics may be recognized.
  The prizes will include a physical award, cash or merchandise and potentially a multi page write-up in a national modeling magazine.  The final details of the event underwriter have not been completed as of press time.  The winners will be announced at the Tuesday evening NATS banquet.

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