[NSRCA-discussion] Shootout numbers look high

mike mueller mups1953 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 4 18:33:42 AKDT 2006

 Look out but if my numbers are correct we may have close to 50 flyers at the D4 vs: D5 shootout in Muncie this coming weekend. Were sxpecting a bigger than ever group from D5. This includes flyers from as far as Omaha Nebraska. 
   I heart that the Columbus contest this weekend had 30 so we know that your side has the numbers and I expect that D5 will have a minimum of 22 flyers.
   We just returned from a great contest in Milwaukee. Mike Dorna runs a top notch event. He conducted an experimental "Club Class" event that brought 6 new flyers into their 1st pattern event. I can see that this is a way to promote pattern.
   So far this season is showing strong signs of life. 

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