[NSRCA-discussion] Ideas?

Ron Van Putte vanputte at cox.net
Mon Jul 24 11:31:27 AKDT 2006

On Jul 24, 2006, at 2:09 PM, Tom Simes wrote:

> Hi Ron,
>> From the looks of the NATS results you and John figured something  
>> out. Do you have a summary of what was wrong - or did you just end  
>> up using lots of glow plugs?

>> Just curious - there's always something more I can learn about  
>> this stuff.

Before leaving for the Nats, John Fuqua had a vexing problem with two  
different OS 1.40 RX engines.  Right after being started, they would  
quit at idle, after running great at full power.  We tried EVERYTHING  
during the week before leaving for the Nats.  We'd try two or three  
fixes (didn't have time to try one at a time) and the engine would  
run great for two flights.  The next day the problem would be back,  
so we'd try a couple more fixes and the engine would run great for  
two flights.  The next day the problem would be back!  This went on  
for a week.  We finally agreed to start the engine at a high idle,  
run it to full power to check the needle valve setting and back it  
down to a high idle for carry out for takeoff.  That worked for five  
Prelims flights and four Finals flights.  On one Prelims flight, he  
couldn't get the engine to come up from idle several maneuvers into  
the flight and was forced to land.  He uses a Mintor (two-plug) head  
on the OS 1.40 and BOTH plugs looked cooked.  We still don't know  
what the problem was/is.

BTW, thanks again for all the suggestions from many sources.  We  
tried them all.

Ron Van Putte

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