[NSRCA-discussion] Mintor 140 help

mwaustin54 at cox.net mwaustin54 at cox.net
Sat Jul 1 07:21:46 AKDT 2006

You might also check your plugs, run a OS F in the main and I've had great success with a K&B1L in the back plug. 

---- Wayne Galligan <wgalligan at goodsonacura.com> wrote: 
> Lengthen the pipe a little if you have already leaned the low end and readjust needles.
> Wayne Galligan
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Paul Duffy 
>   To: nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org 
>   Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:56 AM
>   Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Mintor 140 help
>   I have a Mintor 140 in a Patriot, using Mintor's header and carbon fiber pipe with ~1/2" between the header and pipe, turning an APC 17-12N.  I have just broken it in running 5 tanks (14 oz ea) of PowerMaster 15%.  I am running it on the rich side, turning about 7000-7200 rpm.  After starting the engine, I run it up for a few seconds before disconnecting the glow plug, then I bring it back to a fast idle (~2200 rpm).  By the time I get it out to the flight line to take off (a few seconds), when I open the throttle it loads up and dies.  I have started to lean out the idle mixture a bit and this seems to help.  I am a little hesitant to lean the main needle further - I had to replace the piston/ring/cylinder liner due to previous lean runs (entirely my fault).  Once I get it in the air, it seems to run fine, but the fuel seems to run out quickly.
>   The other thing that is happening is that the carb drips a bit after I fill the tank.  It was much worse when the tank was above the wing tube, but I repositioned the tank in front of the wing tube, as low as possible, and it isn't as bad as it was.  This is a 16 oz tank.
>   My plan is to do the following:
>     a.. Start the engine, run it up to full throttle, monitor the rpm with a tach, then turn in the main needle until the rpm peaks and then drops (indicating lean), then richen it 3 or 4 clicks.  I'll try to fly it like this and see if I have the same problem. 
>     b.. If it is still loading up on idle, then I'll lean the idle mixture further and repeat the previous step.
>   Is this a good approach?  Any other thoughts?
>   Thanks.
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