[NSRCA-discussion] AAA NimH batterys

Bob Kane getterflash at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 06:13:11 AKST 2006

Maybe somebody with direct experience will chime in,
but I would be concerned about the higher impedence of
AAA cells compared to AA or A cells. The high
impedance will cause the voltage output to drop during
high current peaks and may manifest itself as sluggish

--- Ed Miller <edbon85 at charter.net> wrote:

> Is anyone using AAA NimH batteries for a RX pack ??.
> I am looking at 
> Batteries America ( EHYOST ) and they seem to have
> AAA NimH's in 720, 800 
> and 900mah ratings. I currently use their 2/3A 5
> cell NimH pack at 1100mah 
> and a weight of 3.85 ounces complete with the long
> lead I have on the pack. 
> Going to their AAA 5 cell pack looks like I can save
> about an ounce or so. 
> Mah isn't an issue, I can get in excess of 7 to 8
> flights on the 1100mah 
> pack I use now before charging so going to 900mah
> shouldn't be a big hit. 
> Don't suggest Lithium anything as lighter, want to
> continue to use my Alpha 
> 4 charger and am not convinced those new batteries
> are safe.
> Ed M. 
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Bob Kane
getterflash at yahoo.com

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