[NSRCA-discussion] Membership questions and renewals

Catherine Reuther creuther_rc at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 11 05:21:08 AKST 2006

Just a reminder about 2006 renewals – In order to
receive the January issue of the K-Factor, I must have
received your renewal by December 31. If you have sent
in your 2006 renewal, but do not receive the January
K-Factor (it was mailed yesterday), then I did not
receive your renewal in time.

Any questions about your membership can be sent to me
at secretary at nsrca.org.

It is true that I do read the discussion list, but I
use a separate email address for the list, and I am
really bad sometimes about not checking it very often.
It is also very easy for me to miss an email sent
directly to me on the list.

To conact me directly, always use the email
secretary at nsrca.org.

About stickers and membership cards - We reviewed the
use of the stickers for the back of your AMA card last
year. They were intended to provide a way for the
contest director to let the DVP know which contest
attendees are members of NSRCA. Few CDs look for this
information, and the DVPs have access to updated
membership lists for their district to help them track
points, so we discontinued them. You will not be
receiving stickers in your renewal confirmation.

If you changed districts this summer using the new
option approved last year to be a member of a district
other than the one you live in, you MUST let me know
when you send in your renewal that you want to remain
in your choosen district, otherwise I will change your
district back to the one you live in.

Catherine Reuther
NSRCA Secretary
AMA 728430
NSRCA 3607

secretary at nsrca.org
(770) 368-9097 (home)
(801) 858-8915 (fax)
5456 Peachtree Ind Blvd
PMB 176
Chamblee, GA 30341


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