[NSRCA-discussion] 14 mz

Jerry Budd jerry at buddengineering.com
Tue Jan 3 19:32:37 AKST 2006

Hi Arch,

FWIW - Greg Frohreich in Phoenix flew back to back flights with the 
1024 and 2048 receivers in his Pinnacle and said afterwards that he 
couldn't tell any difference.

As always, YMMV.


>I don't know of anywhere selling the 14MZ without the receiver. 
> Without the G3 2048 receiver though you do not get a lot of the 
>advantages of the 14MZ.  One of the major features is the increased 
>resolution over 2048 PCM systems.  I have only flown my G3 receiver 
>in a sport plane so far.  I do plan when the weather warms up though 
>to fly a flight on my pattern airplane with the G3 receiver, and 
>then immediately put a 149DP 1024 PCM receiver in the plane and test 

Jerry Budd
Budd Engineering
(661) 722-5669 Voice/Fax
(661) 435-0358 Cell Phone
mailto:jerry at buddengineering.com

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