[NSRCA-discussion] AMA getting desperate?

RCSkyraidr at aol.com RCSkyraidr at aol.com
Thu Dec 28 14:43:14 AKST 2006

Hello Everyone,
I haven't been able to get on the list this month until now. I noticed the  
NTP comments about the Boeing 707 and admit it does seem dumb if you don't know 
 the entire story. For the past two Christmases, we have made a present to 
our  readers by having the airplane's name discretely written somewhere on the 
photo  in small print. Check out the Twin Comanche from last December's Model  
Aviation. Normally the print could only be seen if the reader enlarged the  
airplane's photo in Sport Aviator.
Well, this Boeing 707 is the last Name The Plane ad we are  going to run. And 
it is running around Christmas time. So I decided to give  everyone a really 
big Christmas present this year and found a photo with the  largest airplane 
name on it I could locate. Kind of a celebration of a  great ad series and a 
thank you to everyone.
In the 24 months it ran, over 28,000 readers entered the contest and  we gave 
away 24 free memberships. A few were given to people who wrote and  thanked 
us since they had some tough times and couldn't afford to renew their  
membership. Now they could stay AMA members for at least another year. I felt  very 
good about being able to help those individuals.
Thanks to everyone for reading Sport Aviator and for entering the 24 NTP  
Happy New Year,
Frank Granelli - Editor 
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