[NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA-discussion Digest, Vol 9, Issue 85

vicenterc at comcast.net vicenterc at comcast.net
Mon Aug 7 13:19:10 AKDT 2006

Hi Orland,

No, as far as I know.  I have my pin in Ch. 57 and nobody approached to me to let me know that they had the same frequency.  I flew another plane later with the same TX and never had problems.  Charlie was with me and we share the same frequency but his radio was packed in his van and he was calling for me.  He forgot to bring his wing tube.   

Say hello,

Vicente "Vince" Bortone
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "oorland55 at netzero.net" <oorland55 at netzero.net> 

    Was anybody at the field on he same frequency?
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