Fixing a huge gap in the to adress ther rules current finals practices.l

Grow Pattern pattern4u at
Tue Oct 25 08:03:12 AKDT 2005

Ref, This is a GREAT discussion - wish it had been (formally in the big forum ) done before the rules proposal was submitted . 

This proposal was submitted by Dave Guerin, the event director for the last two Nat's and next year's Nat's. It was submitted for several reasons,.The most significant being that there are no rules for either an event director, the AMA CD  or even a contestant to use or fall back upon when AMA classes 402-404 use a finals formula. To date it has basically been a seat-of-the-pants scenario as regards rules. It is not new and is basically what has been used in the past.

A more significant point is that the AMA has now involved the NSRCA in the rules change process in a very important way. In the past the first whiff we often got of a private proposal (Private = not submitted through NSRCA process/survey result/judging committee), was when it appeared in Model Aviation.

Now the AMA sends these type of proposals to us so that we can review them, check them for errors and accuracy of positioning in the rules book, We an also look for contradictions to existing rules etc. We can then suggest changes to the author through the AMA. If no agreement can be reached then the NSRCA is forewarned and can submit a cross-proposal to address the NSRCA concerns. (This was negotiated by Lamar during the 2005 Nat's)

This process was thus well in place before the proposal was written. It was also known by Dave Guerin that it existed. The good news is that the process is working. The finals-scoring proposal has come to the NSRCA board and we are looking at use of this list you are all now part of that review. 

BTW - The same info is printed in the K-factor and should be on our web-site by now? This is because we need to address the 2006 Nat's needs now. The standard for any contest is that you publish in advance of the contest what rules you are going to use if it is a change from the rules book, or there are no rules to state what rules you are going to use. The AMA approved the announcement of and this set of finals scoring rules for 2006.

If I am not mistaken the subject of discarding hi-lo scores has been discussed ad-nauseum already in this forum. The opinions and feelings will most likely remain divided unless a mathematician wades in?



P.S. Dave is not on this list.

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