Mailing lists and our future in general.

brian young brian_w_young at
Wed Nov 2 15:38:25 AKST 2005

Are these guys HQ in Waco by any chance.... ;0

"Keith (primary)" <khoard at> wrote:Ok guys, I have one word for y'all:

This group is growing by leaps and bounds. . . .

Check out their web site; no newletter (that is SOOOO 1980's). . . . 

Keith L. Hoard
khoard at
Cordova, TN

-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at] On
Behalf Of Grow Pattern
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:11 PM
To: discussion at
Subject: Mailing lists and our future in general.

I, just like many of you have already commented, have noticed quite a 
reduction in traffic on this list. This list being the NSRCA discussion 

I use my pattern4U with a pen-name of Grow pattern for the NSRCA list. I 
also belong to quite a few of the district lists but I use eric.henderson as

my e-mail address. (I often travel and it is handy to be able to see what is

going on outside of NSRCA D-1)

What this does is allow me to clearly see the all the district traffic in 
one e-mail account verses the National traffic in the other e-mail account.

I think that there is an overall reduction in traffic because of several 

1. The district lists are the list f choice for contest traffic and local 

2. We have les s and less new people needing answers from experienced 

3. Experienced pilots and in eth majority and have sub issues such as their 
own way of doing things and are not willing to get into an argument over the

b=best way

4. Other vehicles such as RCU are superior in functionality and data 
organization, For example history tracks and builds of answers in threads 
that can be followed. The ability to attach files like articles and 

The NSRCA was way behind the curve in having a discussion list, way way 
behind in accepting the need for a web site. It is also highly resistant to 
change. Just say "On-line K-factor" and watch the e-mail count go up. Even 
if you say the paper one will not go away the resistance is there 

On a different topic, Are we stuck in a rut!!!!

There was a time when we were the leaders in what we did. We were a society 
full of experimenters and adventurers. Yet, today, when faced with available

and new enabling technology I see us shrinking away.

On our web site we could have a ton of down-loadable word-files, photos, 
ads, you name it. Imagine an optional CD (for a small fee of course) with 
all past and present pdf K-factors. On-line or CD versions that could 
contain all of the source documents/pictures/ads so that you could build 
your own files on items such as painting, building xyz, trimming, radio 
programming, contests etc.

I wonder if you realize that we could charge you as little as $10 a year 
membership fee, WORLDWIDE, if you had an electronic K-factor and still have 
more working capital left over than with $30 a year and the paper 
newsletter. Electronic would be all in color, much much more current and 
available earlier.

In all the time that I have known the NSRCA I have never seen any $$'s 
available to support and sustain promotional and growth activities. Sure 
there has been a point of light here and there in the darkness but no beacon

to follow, no headlight to show us the way. Every year the age bandwidth 
goes further and further upward. How long before we become the SPA mark-2. 
(no offense intended to the SPA, just an example of what happens when your 
numbers decline)

How many of you would come forward and make the electronic K-factor and 
enhanced functionality? How many would shy away from progress or just busily

shred the above note? Should I remain jaded or is there fire in your 
bellies for advancement and the facilitation of growth through technology 
delivery enhancements that are available today.????



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