calling complete for new takeoff

Atwood, Mark atwoodm at
Mon May 16 18:55:49 AKDT 2005

I'm not sure why I feel the need to jump in here...But before things get
ugly, I'd like to make a few simple points known from the perspective of
at least this contest board member.


We (I) try to do what's in the best interest of the entire aerobatic
community, both Pattern and IMAC (though we'll soon only be worrying
about Pattern is seems)     The desires of the masses...namely the NSRCA
and the IMAC sig, are taken strongly into account, but are also weighed
with the experience that put us on the board in the first place.


Regarding the specific vote on the scored landings I think a few things
need to be made clear.  


1)       If it were voted on would not pass.  Vern has been
more than forthright, and equally apologetic that he voted for the
change in error.  But even so, he's not the scapegoat, there were
several votes for in addition to his.

2)       Rule change entries are made by individuals...Not the NSRCA.
The final packet that I received had no delineation between NSRCA
"supported" rules, and those submitted by single members.  As such,
unless someone is an NSRCA member, and an online active one at that...
It would be very difficult to separate a "supported" rule change, from
one that was submitted by the same leadership, but was actually counter
to the group's desires.  In other words, it would not surprise me if
someone said they thought they were voting for an NSRCA supported rule
change, only to find out that it was not.


This is a hobby...clearly one we all (including myself) take juuuuuuust
a little too seriously, but a hobby none the less.  I'm pretty sure
everyone involved at all levels is only trying to make it a little more
fun for themselves and those they participate with.  I like to give
everyone the benefit of the doubt that their choices and decisions,
however skewed they may seem to me...were made with good intentions
towards that goal.  There is little else to be gained....









From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at]
On Behalf Of RUDDERCABL at
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 10:28 PM
To: discussion at
Subject: Re: calling complete for new takeoff


In a message dated 5/15/2005 10:25:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
vanputte at writes:

	It may have been clear, but it was incorrect.  Trying to tell
	contest board members what to do is like herding cats.  Anyone
	thinks otherwise is either uninformed or just deliberately
	Ron Van Putte

You obviously have the "desires" of the "people" confused with anarchest
overthrow of the government !


Nobody tried to "tell" the contest board what to do. At least not us
"uninformed" or "deliberately stupid". I'm "uninformed". Which are you?


Robert Gainey 

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