April K-Factor issues

Catherine Reuther creuther_rc at yahoo.com
Thu May 12 13:43:04 AKDT 2005

We had a few issues with the April K-Factor.

The K-Factor is normally mailed about the 15th of each
month. The April issue went out about 10 days late.

You should be receiving it soon. I have not received
my copy yet and, here in Atlanta, we usually seem to
be one of the last to receive it.

Please be patient, or download it from the web site.

In addition, our publisher messed up the address on
some, perhaps all, the international addresses. I am
already getting the ones for Canada and Australia in
return mail, and am sending them back out as fast as I

Sorry for the problems.

Catherine Reuther
NSRCA Secretary
NSRCA District 3 AVP
AMA 728430
NSRCA 3067

secretary at nsrca.org
(770) 986 8709 (home)
(801) 858-8915 (fax)
5456 Peactree Ind Blvd
PMB 176
Chamblee, GA 30341

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