6 meter interference - channel 03
Del K. Rykert
drykert2 at rochester.rr.com
Tue Mar 22 14:26:49 AKST 2005
If your local Ham clubs are anything like ones I've belonged to, I'll
bet if you plead your case to them, you may find some fox hunters with
equipment all set for looking and listening to the freq in question.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Horan" <phoran at vvm.com>
To: <discussion at nsrca.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: 6 meter interference - channel 03
> Bill,
> I have not tried a set of headphones. What would I hook them up to ?
> I do not have a 6 meter rig to monitor the frequency with, I guess that is
> one possibility. Or I could scavange an old receiver, add a diode
> detector
> and put some headphones after that. My good receivers are pcm and fm.
> If it is a ham, probably all I have to do is coordinate with him. I'm
> more
> concerned if it is a CBer overmodulating and running a linear.
> Too bad noone makes any 53 Mhz modules and recievers.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill Glaze" <billglaze at triad.rr.com>
> To: <discussion at nsrca.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: 6 meter interference - channel 03
>> Interesting. I wrote earlier today about flying about 300 yds. from a
>> 2000 ft. antenna. I flew on 6 meters, until recently (need to get my
>> license renewed), and never had a hit. Mostly on ham band 04, 03, and
>> some on 53.1; I'll have to take a look at my collection of modules and
>> see if I have anything below 51 MHz. Of course, the 50-50.1 custom on 6
>> meters as a set-aside for CW only, is just a "gentleman's agreement" and
>> is not a law. Still, most seem to abide by it; but there's always a guy
>> or 2 that doesn't get the word. Have you been able to hook up a set of
>> headphones to check and see if you can hear anything?
>> Bill Glaze
>> Paul Horan wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> What are the frequency allocations for digital tv ?
>>> I don't think that's what is happening to me but will check into it.
>>> Until a couple of years ago I did not have any interference, in the last
>>> two years it appears to have been getting worse. Almost lost my
>>> Prophecy yesterday.
>>> I am aware of the TV channel 2 problem, when I lived in Houston
>>> the local ch 2 had such bad lower sideband suppression that hits on
>>> 6 meters were a way of life.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Paul
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Atwood, Mark"
>>> <atwoodm at paragon-inc.com>
>>> To: <discussion at nsrca.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:12 AM
>>> Subject: RE: 6 meter interference - channel 03
>>>> Digital Tv. Local channel 02 has basically wiped out our 53mhz band
>>>> completely. The FCC and the station are both aware that they're
>>>> broadcasting outside their boundries, but given the aggressiveness with
>>>> which they want Digital TV up and running, the FCC has stated that they
>>>> will be lenient for a period of time to get things in order. The
>>>> station has been forthcoming with admitting that their bleeding over,
>>>> but have yet to invest in the equipment needed to prevent it. It'll
>>>> probably be a few years I'm told.
>>>> Not sure if the same could be happening to 50mhz... But that's the
>>>> story on the 53 bands here.
>>>> -Mark
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: discussion-request at nsrca.org
>>>> [mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]
>>>> On Behalf Of Paul Horan
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:31 AM
>>>> To: discussion at nsrca.org
>>>> Subject: 6 meter interference - channel 03
>>>> I am getting interference on Channel 03 , 50.86 Mhz. The 50 mhz rc
>>>> frequencies are in the CW portion 50-50.100 6meters. My symptoms were
>>>> a few holds, plane did no fly smoothly, and 2 failsafes
>>>> - low throttle.
>>>> Any ideas what are the best channels on 6 meters to stay away from
>>>> interference ? Of course, one
>>>> solution is to go to the regular RC freqs.
>>>> Any ideas if this interference can be due to some other cause ?
>>>> ThanksPaul Horan
>>>> KC5NF
>>>> AMA 57131
>>>> NSRCA 3606
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