Electric landing gear

MKMSG at aol.com MKMSG at aol.com
Sun Mar 20 20:42:30 AKST 2005

Andrew:  Any of the following carbon fiber gear will work.   They're all made 
specifically for electrics and will clear a 22" prop.  I  don't think the 
Bolly Props website is updated yet, but they do have the new  Bolly electric 
landing gear in stock along with the small carbon wheel  pants.  Matt's landing 
gear is very nice...comes with pants already  mounted.
Mike Moritko
NB Engineering (_http://members.shaw.ca/rcac/new.htm_ 
(http://members.shaw.ca/rcac/new.htm) )
Bolly Props (_www.bollyprops.com_ (http://www.bollyprops.com) )
Matt Kababjuan (contact _RCMASTER199 at aol.com_ (mailto:RCMASTER199 at aol.com) )

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