Size and source for copper header washer

Bill Glaze billglaze at
Mon Jun 6 08:52:33 AKDT 2005

A little trick I learned from John Ferrell: take a small piece of (I 
believe) # 14 wire.  Strip the insulation, and, using a pair of needle 
nose pliers, bend it into a small circle.  Cut the ends so as when the 
circle is closed, it will just fit inside the exhaust port of the Y.S.; sure works for  me.  Also, I found that I usually wanted 2-3 
of the flat washers; not any more.  One of these circles made from 
copper wire, will compress properly.  HTH

Bill Glaze

Bob Kane wrote:

>Does anyone have the size of the copper washer used in
>the exhaust port of YS 120-140's for "classic" headers
>like the Johnson?  And if that is not enough, how
>about a source?   Thanks.
>Bob Kane
>getterflash at
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