[SPAM] RE: Focus In Aircraft

randy10926 at comcast.net randy10926 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 28 05:33:33 AKDT 2005

That brings back a lot of nice memories from my youth - Traveling with the family in the 182.  I grow up being the navigator/auto-pilot since Mom was a little math challenged.  I would have though a 206 would be a nicer choice; though personally I always preferred the 180.

Sure would make for shorter thrips than my current Ford Ranger plane carrier.


-------------- Original message -------------- 

I don't know about fitting a Focus in a sport-certified aircraft for transport, but I put my Focus in the back of my Cessna 182 several times a year. Back seat comes out, along with the plastic bulkhead panel between the baggage compartment and tailcone. The Focus sits in a homemade PVC frame that holds it in the right position so the tailfeathers are floating about a foot into the tailcone of the Cessna. Nothing touches the Cessna behind that bulkhead as it is not legal to have any weight stored back there. The frame (and focus) is then held  securely in place with bungy cords in case of turbulance.

With the Focus down the center, there is room down one side for the Easy-Up and folding chairs, the other side has the flight box, tool box, spare engine and parts, transmitter case and fuel. Then in goes the soft-sided suitcases for myself and wife, plus a small cooler for drinks. Laptop computer bag plus all the flight charts and approach plates go between the seats.

Load the wife/navigator into the right seat, kick the tires, light the fires, and we are off at 150 mph-- straight-line path.

Cessna 182 typically has 1100 lbs of useful load, with big doors and big cabin. The SUV of the real 4-place singles.

You can imagine looks on the border patrol people when they look in the back on our trips to Canadian pattern contests!

The biggest problem is ground transportation for the Focus if I can't land at the pattern contest field. It means renting something bigger than a mid-size sedan, which gets expensive. Other flyers are always willing to help, although I feel guilty when I know they have a 6+ hour drive back home, and I'll be home in 2 hours.
-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at nsrca.org [mailto:discussion-request at nsrca.org]On Behalf Of randy10926 at comcast.net
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:41 PM
To: discussion at nsrca.org
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: RCCD Pattern Contest July 30th & 31st

That is trues.  I have been looking into how to modifiy one of the new sport certificate aircraft so I can fly to contests.  Wonder if I could just hang the Focus under the wing of the aircraft.  Or maybe put it on top of the wing?


-------------- Original message -------------- 

Hey...Who said you have to drive?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: randy10926 at comcast.net 
To: discussion at nsrca.org 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:00 PM
Subject: [SPAM] Re: RCCD Pattern Contest July 30th & 31st

Thats along way form DC.  Man Atlanta would be a 2 day drive?


-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Hey, 
> Your more than welcome. The more the better. If you make the drive, I'll 
> cut your registration fee to $15.00. HeHe 
> Mike 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Ivey" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 8:11 PM 
> Subject: Re: RCCD Pattern Contest July 30th & 31st 
> > Wow 
> > I bet IMAC peoples don't do that. 
> > Almost worth the drive to Detroit. 
> > Jim Ivey 
> > > 
> > > From: "Mike Darr" 
> > > Date: 2005/07/25 Mon PM 06:34:00 EDT 
> > > To: "NSRCA Discussion" 
> > > Subject: RCCD Pattern Contest July 30th & 31st 
> > > 
> > > Hello all, 
> > > 
> > > This weekend the Radio Controlled Club of Detroit will be holding its 
> 3rd annual Precision Aerobatics Contest. I will be the Contest Director. 
> Fee is $30.00 for all classes. Awards will be presented to the top three 
> places in all classes. Classes being flown will be 401, 402, 403, 404, and 
> 406. AMA sanction # 05-1646. To view the flyer and directions go to 
> www.nsrcad4.com Go to the 2005 Contest Calendar, then click on the 
> directions link for the RCCD contest. The directions are not on the website 
> right now, but will be by tomorrow night. 
> > > 
> > > We will be hosting a barbeque at our house Saturday night. If you would 
> like to bring a dish that would be great. All we ask, is that you bring 
> something to drink. We will be having barbequed ribs, burgers, chicken, 
> hotdogs, potatoes, and much more. You do not want to miss this. If you 
> have a foamy, bring it to the barbeque, we have plenty of room for them. 
> The barbeque is no charge, it is our way of saying thank you for coming to 
> our event. 
> > > 
> > > Thank you, 
> > > 
> > > Mike Darr 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
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> > and follow the instructions. 
> > 
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> list. 
> > 
> > 
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