YS 140 problem

Daniel J. Hamlett d77hamlett at comcast.net
Mon Jul 25 05:56:59 AKDT 2005

I really hate to do this to myself but I think that I owe it to all the 
people that offered an opinion to me about my engine.  The engine has 
been idling at 2150-2200 all along.  The tach that I was using was 
taking a really long time to settle down.  It had been a while since I 
had used it.  I had a friend help me at the field before I went drilling 
hole and what not.  When he put the tach on the engine he waited a 
little bit longer than I was apparently and the engine or actually the 
display on the tach dropped right into line.  Come to find out the 
battery in the tach was very very low.  I replaced it and now the tach 
reads pretty quick.  So I guess all that to say I am a big DUMMY.

I thought that I would share this as a little humor.  Again thanks to 
all that gave there input.

See you all at the next contest.


John Ferrell wrote:

> I still say if you back down to a 15-12 or a 16-10 you will find the 
> idle will be fine. And you will have the strongest YS140 around!
> The increased air bleed has worked for lots of engines as well. I have 
> never had to resort to it.
> John Ferrell   
> http://DixieNC.US
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Daniel J. Hamlett <mailto:d77hamlett at comcast.net>
>     *To:* discussion at nsrca.org <mailto:discussion at nsrca.org>
>     *Sent:* Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:22 AM
>     *Subject:* Re: YS 140 problem
>     I am getting 8400-8450.  That is why I thought that I was ok on
>     the size.
>     John Ferrell wrote:
>>     My two cents worth....
>>     That is the first time I have heard of that much prop on a Sport
>>     140. It is way too much prop for break in of a new engine. I
>>     don't know if there is any damage due to that load. I use about
>>     40 ounces of fuel on tat engine to break it in with a 15-10 prop
>>     at about 8200 rpm.
>>     I feel the bigger prop will generate more heat and will need more
>>     latitude for mixture control than the YS system provides. When
>>     more prop than a 15-12 or 16-10 is used on a YS 140 engine (not
>>     DZ!) more nitro is needed. There is more oxygen available in the
>>     higher nitro fuel so you have a wider needle available.
>>     BTW, what is the max rpm you get out of a 17-10 with 20% fuel?
>>     John Ferrell   
>>     http://DixieNC.US
>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>         *From:* Daniel J. Hamlett <mailto:d77hamlett at comcast.net>
>>         *To:* discussion at nsrca.org <mailto:discussion at nsrca.org>
>>         *Sent:* Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:06 PM
>>         *Subject:* Re: YS 140 problem
>>         The engine is a sport.  It has less than 40oz through it.  I
>>         am running  the 1.40, NHP 5/8th header and ES carbon 5/8th
>>         inlet pipe.  Sorry I forgot to add this on the original post.
>>         Bob Kane wrote:
>>>Which 140?  FZ, L, DZ, Sport?  I assume it must be a
>>>DZ swinging a 17X10?
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