[SPAM] Re: Great start to the year. . .

Rodney Tanner rodney19821982 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 31 09:20:20 AKST 2005

Hi Bob, 
I found it helped on the verticals, loop tracking and the tops of square loops, but  what I really like is being able to take OUT the right trim, which was adversely effecting rolls, point rolls and outside loops, which are now a lot easier as you are not having to compensate for right trim. On planes with a lot of rudder authority I think this is a sensible mix option, like low throttle to elevator to take out the pull to canopy in the down lines. 
I have 2.5 degrees of r-thrust on an OS 140RX, turning an APC 17x12.

Bob Pastorello <rcaerobob at cox.net> wrote:
Sounds pretty good, Rodney.  Tell us about the throttle>rudder mix.  What did you notice first?  How does it help?  What specifically is better/easier?
The ATV thing for SURE is right....my rule of thumb has ALWAYS been get 100% or greater before doing any serious stuff.

Bob Pastorello
NSRCA 199  AMA 46373
rcaerobob at cox.net
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rodney Tanner 
To: discussion at nsrca.org 
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:47 PM
Subject: Great start to the year. . . 

Just one month into the year and I think the NSRCA sub is already a bargin! 
The tips here (throttle to rudder mix) and Troy´s article on aileron linkages in the Jan ´K-Factor made a big difference on my Tem-Phoon today. 
So if your aileron DRs are below 80%,  your ATVs are as screwed up as mine were and you have servo arm is over 1/2" you might want to make some ajustments. They really work. Thanks Troy, I´m looking forward to the next article.


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