elevator servo torque

vicenterc at comcast.net vicenterc at comcast.net
Sat Jan 8 13:00:17 AKST 2005

I have been flying 9411 in ailerons for a long time in glow powered airplanes (Focus and Hydeout).  I never had problems.  I am not sure for elevator.  I think one 9411 would not enought for elevator.


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I’m trying to figure out the amount of torque required for my elevator servo (single, in a pull-pull system).  I’m doing an electric Impact and trying to save as much weight as I can.  I’m considering either the DS8411SA or the DS9411SA.  Not sure if the 82 oz/in of the 9411 will be enough?  Savings of .7oz (every little bit helps) times 2 aileron and one elevator servo makes it worth while.
There used to be a site on the net that showed a way to calculate the required torque, however I can’t find it.
Any first hand experience or good theories welcome!
Wayne P.
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